For Physicians


A note to welcome and thank our referring physicians and health-care providers:

As you know, most of our patients come to us not because they found us in cyberspace, but because you identified a problem and referred them to us. We thank you for this privilege. Our nationally known board-certified Vascular Surgeons work hard to maintain your respect by giving your patients state-of-the-art vascular care and reporting to you in a timely manner.

The progression of our web-based presence for South Florida Vein & Vascular is another step in our ongoing effort to be accessible to you and your patients at all times. We invite you to peruse the site to see the ways we are helping patients arrange appointments, find our office, ask questions about their care, and gain insight into the conditions we treat.

Thank you again for visiting Vein & Vascular Center of South Florida’s website and for the privilege of helping your patients.


Please direct your patients to our “Online Forms” section on our website and have them complete the previsit forms.

Many insurances require that patients obtain a referral from their primary care physician in order to see a specialist. If this is the case, please be sure to give this to your patient or you may fax it to our office at (954) 964-6649.

If you have any questions, please call our office at (954) 964-6684.